Who is Dr. Tedros Adhanom?

Do you know?
Dr. Tedros:
- has 30 years of experience in the health sector
- is a globally recognized researcher on Malaria
- was the winner of the Young Public Health Researcher Award in 2003
- was the first non-American recipient of the "Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Humanitarian Award" in 2011
- was elected to represent Ethiopia as the Chair of the Fourth Conference of Ministers of Health of the African Union in may 2009.
- was elected as Chair of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, for a period of two years in June 2009.
- served as Chair of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership
- served as Chair of the UNAIDS Programme Coordination Board for 2009
- served as Co-Chair of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health from 2005 until December, 2009.
- was a member of the High-Level Task Force for Innovative Financing for Health Systems which is co-chaired by World Bank President, Robert Zoellick, and UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown
- was included in the ‘Smart List 2012' of the 50 "people who will change the world" by the UK-based Wired Magazine
- was elected as the chair of the Open-ended Ministerial Committee on the ICC, to follow up on the cases of President Al-Bashir of Sudan and Deputy President Ruto of Kenya in 2015.
- has been the leading diplomat in the successful negotiations between Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan over Ethiopia's Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
- is chosen as one of the 100 most influential Africans for the year 2015.
source: http://www.mfa.gov.et/
what is next?
Dr. Tedros Adhanom, a Director General of WHO.


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